June 21, 2022: Kontur continues to expand! Kontur's team has grown to thirty-eight people, who consist of Geotechnical/Materials Engineers, Technologists, Technicians, and Accounting/Administrative staff. To facilitate Kontur's growth, Kontur has moved to a new 8,000 sq.ft. facility located at Unit 107 - 2071 Kingsway Avenue, Port Coquitlam B.C. Kontur's Sea-to-Sky operations continues at Unit 103 - 37768 2nd Avenue, Squamish B.C.
May 5, 2022: Kontur's CCIL Certified Mobile Asphalt Laboratory is ready for the 2022 paving season!
March 30, 2020: Kontur continues to provide full-service Geotechnical Engineering for a variety of projects. In addition, Kontur's field staff can assist you with in-situ field density testing (soil and asphalt), asphalt coring, pavement deflection testing, and concrete testing. For Geotechnical Services, please call (778) 730-1747 or email info@kontur.ca. For Materials Testing Services, please call dispatch at (778) 730-1836 or dispatch@kontur.ca.
March 29, 2020: ​Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) has provided COVID-19 Practice Advice and Guidance which can be found at https://www.egbc.ca/Practice-Resources/COVID-19-Practice-Advice-and-Guidance.
The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia also has set-up a resource centre that provides updates and information which can be found at https://www.acec-bc.ca/resources/covid-19-resources/.
Health and Safety Information can be found at the following websites:
BC Centre for Disease Control http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19
WorkSafe BC https://www.worksafebc.com/en/about-us/covid-19-updates
​March 28, 2020: During the current COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Provincial State of Emergency, Kontur has been classified as a Non-Health Essential Service Provider by the Government of British Columbia and remains fully operational. For a list of essential services, please visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/covid-19-provincial-support/essential-services-covid-19#non-health.
Kontur is committed to the protect the health and safety of the public, its employees, colleagues, and clients. Effective immediately, Kontur has implemented new work-from-home, physical/social distancing, and non-essential travel policies. Kontur remains open; however, Kontur's physical office and laboratory spaces are closed to the public, clients, and colleagues, at this time and until further notice.