June 21, 2022: Kontur continues to expand! Kontur's team has grown to thirty-eight people, who consist of Geotechnical/Materials Engineers, Technologists, Technicians, and Accounting/Administrative staff. To facilitate Kontur's growth, Kontur has moved to a new 8,000 sq.ft. facility located at Unit 107 - 2071 Kingsway Avenue, Port Coquitlam B.C. Kontur's Sea-to-Sky operations continues at Unit 103 - 37768 2nd Avenue, Squamish B.C.
May 5, 2022: Kontur's CCIL Certified Mobile Asphalt Laboratory is ready for the 2022 paving season!
March 30, 2020: Kontur continues to provide full-service Geotechnical Engineering for a variety of projects. In addition, Kontur's field staff can assist you with in-situ field density testing (soil and asphalt), asphalt coring, pavement deflection testing, and concrete testing. For Geotechnical Services, please call (778) 730-1747 or email For Materials Testing Services, please call dispatch at (778) 730-1836 or
March 29, 2020: ​Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) has provided COVID-19 Practice Advice and Guidance which can be found at
The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia also has set-up a resource centre that provides updates and information which can be found at
Health and Safety Information can be found at the following websites:
BC Centre for Disease Control
WorkSafe BC
​March 28, 2020: During the current COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Provincial State of Emergency, Kontur has been classified as a Non-Health Essential Service Provider by the Government of British Columbia and remains fully operational. For a list of essential services, please visit
Kontur is committed to the protect the health and safety of the public, its employees, colleagues, and clients. Effective immediately, Kontur has implemented new work-from-home, physical/social distancing, and non-essential travel policies. Kontur remains open; however, Kontur's physical office and laboratory spaces are closed to the public, clients, and colleagues, at this time and until further notice.